It all began in 2017, when Lucy asked her mom, Veronica, if they could do a little giveaway for one of her blankets. They asked members of their community in Gallatin, Tennessee, to nominate kids. Well, after receiving 16 nominations for deserving children, Lucy realized she couldn’t pick just one—so she made all of them. Ever since that first giveaway, people continue to reach out to the mother-daughter duo with requests for children in need. “If they nominate a child, we have to make a blanket,” Lucy says. “We never turn anyone down.” In the past three years, Lucy has made 525 blankets for children across the United States, and in 14 countries. Often, the kids are dealing with difficulties, including bullying, parents going through a divorce, grappling with an illness, or suffering the loss of a family member, just to name a few. Each blanket is made out of pieces of fabric that Lucy sews together. (Veronica says they receive donations for supplies or pay for the materials themselves.) Lucy also adds a stitched heart to each one and includes a poem with each package that reads: “I have lots of love I’d like to share. So I made you a blanket to show I care. When you’re feeling down and lonely at night, just look at this blanket and snuggle it tight. Whether you’re happy or sad, or just feeling blue, I hope this reminds you that someone loves you! Love, Lucy.” Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Lucy has also begun making cloth face masks. She’s sent them to kids who’ve received her blankets in the past, as well as healthcare workers on the frontlines. So far, she’s made nearly 1,300 masks. Although it’s quite a bit of work, especially for someone who’s a mere pre-teen, Lucy enjoys it. “It’s been nice because there really isn’t much else to do,” Veronica explains. “When a nomination comes in, we’re able to get on top of it.” If you’d like to nominate someone for one of Lucy’s blankets, head to her Instagram account, Facebook page, or send her an email at, briefly describe the person, and include a shipping address for them. Lucy says she likes it when the nominations include a photo of the child so she can have a good idea of who’s receiving it. You can also donate money towards supplies through Veronica’s Venmo. Lucy’s kind heart hasn’t gone unnoticed. She’s won several awards for her service, including the Governor’s Volunteer Stars Award, The President’s Volunteer Service Award, and the Prudential Spirit of Community Award, among others. However, Veronica says that her daughter isn’t interested in any accolades; she just wants to offer a little comfort to those who need it. “She really just wants to make a little difference in her little corner of the world,” Veronica explains. “She’s passionate about doing just that.”